VOA VOICES: Representative Kimberly Poore Moser
Chair, Kentucky House Committee on Health Services
Kentucky State Representative Kim Moser of Kenton County was elected in 2016 and has worked extensively on addiction policy and criminal justice reform. As chair of the House Health Services Committee, she oversees critical healthcare legislation affecting Kentucky.
In January, Rep. Moser joined VOA in Washington D.C. along with a large group of stakeholders, where they met with members of Kentucky’s Federal delegation and White House Drug Czar Dr. Rahul Gupta, providing an update on how VOA is working with state and city leaders to ensure communities across the Commonwealth have systems in place to support individuals overcoming substance use disorder. In the 2023 Legislative Session, Rep. Moser sponsored HB 353, amending statute so that fentanyl testing strips, an important tool in combating the opioid epidemic, would not be considered drug paraphernalia under state law. Additionally, she provided a powerful voice in ensuring several other pieces of legislation that will benefit VOA’s Recovery and Restorative Justice Programs saw final passage.
With a new Freedom House facility coming soon to Northern Kentucky, Rep. Moser’s support and expertise will be more valuable than ever to VOA.