Volunteers of America Mid-States has partnered with Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA) to make it easy for you to register as an organ donor today. This innovative partnership is the first of its kind in Kentucky. Collaboratively, VOA, KODA, and Trust for Life will work to spread hope through innovative organ donor recruitment, awareness strategies, and engagement opportunities for donor families.
Our goal is to fill the gap in organ donor registration created by drivers’ license regulations by reaching potential donor audiences who may not traditionally consider organ donation.
Through this partnership, VOA will encourage staff, clients, and stakeholders to participate in this life-affirming opportunity to give back. This cause is close to our hearts for many reasons. VOA’s former Board Chair and dear friend, David Fennell, received a life-saving lung transplant in 2014. He told his incredible story to give hope to others waiting for transplants and to advocate for organ donations. David passed away September 17th 2022, and VOA is honoring his legacy by naming the campaign, “David Fennell’s Hope and Healing.”
We’re asking you to join us in celebrating David’s life and continuing his commitment to building hope and showing compassion for others. Add your name to the organ donation list and give hope to someone waiting for a life-saving transplant.

VOA’s former Board Chair and dear friend, David Fennell, received a life-saving lung transplant in 2014. He told his incredible story to give hope to others waiting for transplants and to advocate for organ donations. David passed away September 17th, 2022 and we are honored to celebrate David’s life through our partnership with KODA as we work to give hope to others waiting for a life-saving transplant.