VOA’s Restorative Justice (RJ) implements case management and restorative justice processes to assist in stabilizing youth. These restorative practices include restorative conferences and circles depending on status and needs. The traditional criminal justice system asks what laws have been broken and what punishment is deserved by the offender. Restorative Justice asks what harm has been done, who is responsible for repairing that harm, and how can that harm be repaired?
VOA’s RJ coordinates services with other Alternative to Detention (ATD) community providers to support youth and family.
Who qualifies?
Youth in the ATD continuum remaining in the home of their parent(s) or guardian(s) either on home supervision or an electronic monitor.
Youth who are stepping down from other ATD placements.
Pre-adjudication or post-adjudication (non-ATD) with active cases in the juvenile justice system.
Who refers?
Referrals to the RJ program may be made by Detention Alternative Coordinators (DAC). DAC’s may refer youth eligible for a community-based alternative to detention (home of parent(s) or guardian(s)) in lieu of placement in a higher level of care or secure detention. Referral of non-ATD cases may also occur through the DAC’s.
ATD Referrals
At the point of initial referral, VOA RJ will implement the case management processes with youth and their families.

Contact Us:
Rachael Kallembach
VOA Senior Director of VOA Justice & Health
(502) 236-2499
(812) 207-6825