VOA VOICES: Senator Brandon Storm
Kentucky State Senator, District 21
Elected to the Kentucky State Senate in 2020, Senator Brandon Storm brings a wealth of legal knowledge and expertise to the policy discussions in Frankfort. Senator Storm currently represents several counties at the heart of the recovery ecosystems VOA is growing in Southeast and Southcentral Kentucky including Laurel, Lincoln and Rockcastle. With our recent expansion efforts, his district will soon contain a new Freedom House, Recovery Community Centers, our Recovery Reintegration Program, Family Recovery Court and Restorative Justice. As VOA continues to add programs and services to the region, Senator Storm’s voice in the legislature and his influence as a local leader will be significant.
“I’m incredibly grateful for all the good work VOA does to improve lives and am especially thankful for its footprint here in Southeast Kentucky. One of my most important endeavors in the General Assembly is advocating for recovery and redemption for our fellow Kentuckians. VOA and its many programs, such as the Recovery Reintegration Program and Restorative Justice, are incredible blessings.”